Online Services

Online Services allows you to access a range of services via your computer, mobile or tablet. Once you have registered you will be able to book appointments, order repeat prescriptions, change contact details and view your medical record online. 

From November 2023, everyone with an online services account are able to see their full prospective medical record online. This means full consultation notes, medicines prescribed to you, all test results including hospital investigations, allergies, vaccines, and your medical conditions along with documents that may have been sent from local hospitals, clinics or other agencies, eg the police. You will only see this information from the date the access is switched on. There is likely to be sensitive and personal information within your medical record. Please ensure you have read our information leaflet and if you do not want that level of access, please contact the practice to let us know. You can choose to view any combination of the following:

  • Appointments - to book any available online, see upcoming appointment day and time
  • Repeat prescription information, and order online 
  • Messaging
  • Demographics (change your contact details online)
  • Allergies

And the following information with or without associated free text:

  • Test results
  • Documents, e.g. from hospitals
  • Immunisation history
  • Medical problems
  • Consultations

If you are not already registered for Online Services, please read our online services medical record access leaflet, and, where possible, register yourself by downloading the NHS app via Google Play and the App store or by registering for NHS online services via the NHS website and following the identity verification prompts.

For additional guidance, please see:

How to register for NHS app video
How to register for NHS app
How to create NHS login for online services on the NHS website 


Alternatively, you can visit our reception desk with two forms of identification. One must be photo identification and the other must confirm your address. Examples include; photo driving licence, passport, national 60+ bus pass, birth certificate,  or the following dated within the last 12 months; bank statement, council tax statement, P60/P45. Please note utility bills are not accepted. You will be provided with login details to use to register for the NHS app/online services, Patient Access or the myGP app.

*Online Services are only available to those aged 16 or over.*

*Please note each patient must have their own email address. It is not possible for accounts to share an email address.*


Proxy access

You can request to act as a proxy for relatives and dependants that you care for, using some online services such as the NHS app and Patient Access. 

This enables a family member or carer to act on behalf of the patient with their access tailored accordingly. The proxy feature has gone through rigorous analysis to ensure there are no data privacy risks.

Appointment booking, repeat medication requests, messaging and, where applicable, access to medical records, can easily be accessed by the proxy once a relative or person has been linked.

Please note, we are unable to grant proxy access to Foster carers for looked after children, as Foster carers do not have parental responsibility. Looked after children are considered vulnerable patients and alternative provision will be made for ordering repeat prescriptions etc.

Please complete a Proxy application form for each patient and return to Red Reception at the surgery, along with two forms of ID, one presenting your photo and the other your address. For example your photo driving licence, passport, national 60+ bus pass, birth certificate, or any of these documents dated within the last 12 months; bank statement, council tax statement, P60/P45. Please note, all parties must sign the application form and submit ID.

*Proxy access is a service that is only available on the NHS app or Patient Access*

How to switch profiles on the NHS App (



Owned and run by the NHS, the NHS App online is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services such as appointments, prescriptions, and your GP health record.
How to navigate the NHS app (
How to order your repeat prescription on the NHS App (
How to order repeat prescriptions on the NHS website


myGP App

The myGP app provides a fast and easy way to book and cancel your appointments for yourself and any dependents using your smartphone. You can also receive appointment reminders via the app, create alerts for medication reminders and track and record your weight and blood pressure to help you stay healthy. The app is available to download via Google Play and the App store. To register for the app, your mobile number needs to be on your patient record so please contact reception on 01995 607399 to update your details if necessary. If you are registered for online services, you can also link your accounts, enabling you to also order your repeat prescriptions via myGP.